Thursday 24 March 2016


Unity is the power

As South Africa is known as multifaceted and multiracial country that espouses the notion of Ubuntu as way of interpreting how related we are to one another. Practice Ubuntu do not let our country’s philosophy become worthless and meaningless .Let us all stand up together in numbers and add our voices to #saynotoxenophobia campaign.We may belong to different ethnic group but we all God’s creation, we breath the same oxygen, all tears are salty too, the need for love and belonging associate with the need for survival. Intercultural Relationships are key to person’s happiness which enables people to understand, communicate and achieve goals outside their own cultures; it is a great opportunity to get to know one another from a diverse group, work with them and accomplish specific goals together. The xenophobic attacks across the country brings nothing but pain, anger and hatred to us all, who on earth has ever live happily where there’s full of anger and hatred? People should stop hostility among others, we are one. People shall stop with manifestation of racism it is not worth the life. Let us all unite.                       

South Africa (SA) heartfelt gratitude

South African law and constitution give moral support and protect victims against inequity. They humbly express their apology to the victims and to their countries as well. 

South Africa Deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa apologises for Xenophobic violence on behalf of all South Africans

South Africans responds to Xenophobia attacks

People go online and tremendously add their voices to SayNoToXenophobia hashtag. The picture below shows SA celebrities take stand against xenophobia  

This News clip displays South African celebrities speak against Xenophobia


                                                         Inhale Love, Exhale hate

Marriage is an association that promotes a way of life whether it is same-sex marriage or opposite sex marriage. background

Legalization of same-sex marriage has become a relief to lesbian and gay community where they are granted a chance to validly make vows together in which they promise love and affirm commitment to each other as heterosexual couples do. In my opinion the admissible of Scotus marriage is courageous, same-sex marriage legality entitles everybody to equality. People are different, perceive certain things differently, some are attracted to opposite sex and some attracted to same-sex,  no one has to be access denied in anything that makes her/him feel alive remember a human beings happiness keeps human beings alive and lives longer. I do not see anything wrong in same gender marriage as strongly I believe whatever on earth happens is meant to be and happens for a reason; it is just that at times some people become disagreeable to that reason without the least of sign of comprehending the situation at hand. It is very privileged to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender LGBT members an honour of being not victimized and discriminated for their sexuality.

There are still people against Scotus marriage, perceive it as a sin, one thing needs to be remembered is that God can cleanse and purify any of his people from any kind of sin. The lord Jesus has capability of giving deliverance to anyone whom may sincerely desire true freedom and salvation. Heterosexual killing, Homosexual dying, LGBT is hurting and crying, where the Love and humanity is? Cruelty was never a proposed solution to anything that might be seen as a conflict of interest. People go online and make homosexual feel isolated. What has these people done? Why are they being unloved? Why hate? Homosexual romantic relationship does not affect heterosexual romantic relationship in any way. No one is obligatory to giving support in gay marriage. I think people should refuse to say anything negative about homosexuals, love is love and eventually no one owes anybody anything except for love. Love one another regardless of sexual orientation, bearing in mind that whether a person is rich or poor homosexual or heterosexual all basic emotion needs are comparable.

This picture displays celebration break out after Nationwide Gay marriage approval